Bus map line 94 in Barcelona
(Circular Cornellà 2)
(Updated on September 27, 2014)
Here are all the data related to public bus line 94 in Barcelona, if you want to see other lines visit our index of all public bus routes in Barcelona or the index of all kinds of bus in Barcelona. This page is optimized to print the schedule, bus-stops and bus map best.
Bus stops on line 94
These are the bus stops in the route.
Fontsanta |
Almeda |
Schedule of bus line 94
Schedules depend on the bus stop where you are, and change frequently. So we decided to stop publishing schedules and we recommend you visit on the official schedules of bus line 94 in Barcelona.
Map of bus line 94
Below is a map of the route of the bus line 94. To view the larger map, click on the image.
The same map on line 94, but in the version of Google Maps, so you can choose which version you like:
Feel free to contact us regarding any fault or defect, indicating the station name and we will correct it.
Thank you very much for your visit, we hope that our Barcelona Bus Map has been useful to you.